golden leaves
a young dog is
busy to chase them
(AW, Oct 2021)
after the rain
the birdsong
better than ever
(AW, May 2021)
Magnolia stellata; photo: Martin G. Wienert
April snow.
The doggy wears
a coat.
(AW, April 2021)
lunch break
cumulus clouds
and beer froth
(AW, March 2021)
the calls of geese
not more
not less
(AW, Feb 2021)
the stone owl
with a wig
the tea has
travelled far
(AW, Febr 2021)
Some day we will be
tourists again.
(AW, Jan 2021)
shrill laughter
the magpie
joins in
the painter squeezes out
a tube of paint
January 2nd.
the green tea.